Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let us Love

So today was the big presentation day. We got there around 7:30 and gave our presentation at 8. Guess who wsas there. TERRY LUNDGREN. Uh, yeah. the CEO OF MACY'S. Everyone kept saying "don't be nervous, but..." and we were like thank you SO MUCH. The presentation went really well, though. My audience question was a hit, and we all weren't too nervous. After that, we watched a few more, then I went back to the office. They had me return a TON of stuff to Macy's. Oy. Then I did some shipping stuff. In the afternoon, I steamed and did lots of material requests, then we set up for another meeting. I left around 5:15 then walked to Wild Edibles. It's not a far maps says it's like .9 miles. So I got there, and Pali was delivering oysters to Union Square. Of course he was. hahaha so random. So I talked to my mom for a while on the phone, then he came back. We talked for a while, then Sarah showed up. We had dinner, then just sat and talked until 10:30. Haha yeah it was a long night. But SO much fun. I really love them. =] They drove me back to Penn station (ohh la la) then I caught the trains back to Passaic. Stupid drunks are stupid.

Tomorrow is my last day in the office! I can't believe it. I don't know what to do with myself.

1 comment:

  1. I love you. You are so... dang, I need a thesaurus. Accomplished. Adept. Savvy. Doing your fashion-butt-kicking thing.

    And thank you for typing those few sentences to me *during* this exciting moment, though I did not realize how exciting it was at the time. I feel connected. :}


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