Saturday, August 20, 2011

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”

Ah, blog, sorry I've neglected you lately. It's been a busy few weeks.

We stopped in Prattville Saturday night and stayed at a hotel. The Mexican restaurant across the street had 99 cent margaritas. Haha and they were pretty good. We got a few things at Kohl's and Bed Bath and Beyond and left for Tuscaloosa at 6ish in the morning.

Moving in was good. Thank goodness for Clay or I never would have gotten everything done. We got everything moved into the apartment in around 4 hours, including going back and forth to the storage unit. From there, it was just organization time. Amber stuck around and helped a ton. And of course Kevin helped me carry two things up. Haha. But it took us a while to get everything done. Dad went to Missouri Tuesday morning and mom and I stayed and kept putting stuff away and organizing. Coming back was hard. I didn't expect it to hit me as hard as it did. It put me in a funk for a few days, which didn't make moving much fun. Luckily, by Wednesday I was in the zone and we got a lot done. Mom and I headed out to Missouri on Thursday morning.

Missouri was fabulous. It was exactly what I needed. We floated on the river all day for three days straight and got to hang out and relax. I got SO tan and SO burnt. But it was good. One night it rained so we drank wine and played Yahtzee. Too much fun. Mom and I headed back to Tuscaloosa Sunday morning to get the rest done.

We had a lot of fun, and got most everything done. Dad came back Monday afternoon, and I convinced him to stay through to Tuesday morning. We got a lot more done, and they left at 5 am on Tuesday. It was SO nice to get to spend time with them. I've been so crazy this summer it was nice to sit in the river and bond.

This week I've been just trying to get organized and get used to being here again. I love Tuscaloosa, but it was really hard to leave NYC this time. I liked how independent the city makes you. I need to get used to relying on other people and being around everyone again. That sounds weird, but I was really happy with the city, so it's just getting back to where I was happy here.

Lindsay, Cody, Amber and I have been watching all the HP movies. I'd never seen any of them. They're pretty good, and it's been fun to hang out.

Anywho. I have lots of pictures I need to upload, but I'm just not feeling it tonight. We'll see tomorrow.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

“The quickest way to know a woman is to go shopping with her.”

Ah it's been a week since I last updated. And I've been all over the place!

Friday was good, but sad. It was Rush's last day as well as ours, so we all got sappy. I said good bye to the other Private Brands interns then went back to my office to say goodbye to my team. They surprised me (well, I mean, it wasn't REALLY a surprise. but it was really nice. hehe) with Magnolia cupcakes and a card. I love them so much. I got lots and lots of hugs and then we parted ways. I love my team so dearly, I really hope a spot opens up with them in a year.

After work I met up with Lauren and we walked over to Bon Chon for lunch. Mmmm Korean fried chicken is pretty yummy. After that, we walked back towards Herald Square and met up with Michelle and Prescella. We shopped around for a while, took pictures, got mini facials, then I had to leave and catch my train. Many hugs and goodbyes, and promises to meet up again, hopefully soon. I'm SO glad I got to bond so much with those girls this summer. (And Lizzie, whose boyfriend came into town! We missed you shopping!) I made it home and five minutes later Diane and the kids walked in the door. Surprise! I thought they were coming Saturday! So we piled into the minivan and drove over to the Chinese buffet. We were seated by a large, unruly child's birthday party. Oh dear. It was a nice time, though. After that we went back home and I finished packing everything up. So sad.

Saturday we headed out relatively early. I had to stop by Target, but thank goodness we did because we discovered a nail in Diane's tire. That would have been bad to find on the parkway. So we waited for the guy to come fix it, then we were on our way. We went in the pool, had dinner, and I went to bed ridiculously early. But I slept goooood.

Sunday....I don't know. We hung out around the house, I helped Elizabeth with some homework.

Monday my flight left at 1:15 so we left nice and early. I lugged all my suitcases with me, checked them, and everything else went smoothly. The flight was pretty bumpy, but not too long. Dad picked me up. Yay! We got home and I passed out early.

The rest of this week has been spent getting utilities in order and relaxing. Yesterday Kathy came home and today we drove down to Tampa and had retail bonding and fixing items at the Apple store. It was a lot of fun. And I got a new bathing suit! Finally! My other one was aaaawful.

I found out I can move in at least a little early, and I'll find out tomorrow if I can get in as soon as Saturday, which would be amazing. Other than that, I just need to pack everything up and get ready to get back to Alabama!
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