Sunday, April 17, 2011

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”

Blogger is no place for me at 2:15 in the morning. I'm far too tired and delirious for blogging.

And yet, here I am.

Since about 2 pm Thursday, I have been sewing practically nonstop. I don't recommend saving all of the work you need to get done for a fashion show until the last four days before it. It causes sleepless nights, the messiest apartment you've ever seen, and an unnecessarily high number of finger stabs.

But I'm really happy with how things are turning out. My ideas have changed, of course, as the always do. I'm super pleased with them, though, and I'm getting to a finishing point on most of them. I will have probably close to 10 pieces, with probably five complete looks. Who knows how that happened, or how I pulled it off, but it seems to be going well.

The unfortunate thing is that my already spotty social life has been put almost completely on hold this weekend. I had to miss game night and going out. Boooooo. BUT I'm hoping it will all prove worth it on Tuesday.

In addition to trying to get my collection done, as future president of Fashion, Inc. I've been having to deal with programs, lighting, sound, organization, yada yada yada so that gives me a time crunch as well.

I also have to finish a dress for draping, and by finish I mean start and finish. And then there's that pesky 7 page paper for World Lit that's due Friday.

But let's ignore all of that for now.

After lots of soul searching and blah blah blah, I think I've decided that I'm going to apply to grad school. It's kind of funny how I fell into it. At the research conference (which I won first place in! Woooo!!!) the woman in charge of my college found me after my presentation and told me I need to continue being involved in research and that I really need to look at grad school. I smiled and said thanks, and when I got home I decided to investigate it a little. Turns out, there are several schools in the US that offer a PhD in some aspect of Apparel & Textiles. Can you imagine me with a PhD? Insanity, right? But it would be amazing. I always knew I was meant for more than just a 4 year degree then jumping into the industry. I want to be at the forefront of the industry, creating new, revolutionary things. Sure, I could just go for my Masters, but I want to open up as many avenues as I can. I think maybe someday I would like to teach at the University level. I want the opportunity to change people's lives, not just sit at a desk as an assistant designer hoping in five years I'll move up to associate designer, then someday designer, then maybe if I'm good enough senior designer. I want the intimacy of one-on-one interaction with my designs. While in grad school, I can create my own company, I can create my own designs.

Anywho. With that in mind, I now feel horribly behind. I have to get my portfolio together, I have to take the GRE, I have to figure out what schools to apply to, etc etc. Actually, that last one isn't so bad. The cream of the crop is Cornell, which would be AMAZING, and has the exact program I want. KSU, OSU, Auburn, UGA, UNL, and several others also have good programs. So, I'm going to apply to all of them. Go big or go home, right?

So, there's that. Life plan changing AGAIN. What else is new?

Oh, I got the MRI on my shoulder. It's just bursitis, so no big deal. I'm going to go get a better backpack and hope that helps a bit. I'm looking at the Timbuk2 backpacks. Any thoughts on them?

I just thought of something else I wanted to talk about. But I NEED to sleep. So remind me to tell you next time what I've realized about sorority girls. It's nothing bad, I swear, just a very interesting observation.

So, next time. :)

OH BUT HEY WAIT. Don't forget about Tee Time!

April 19, 2011
7:30 pm
Doster Lawn
Reception to follow with Pie Lab and all garments for sale!

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