Dear darling blog, I wrote you a lot this afternoon, but I don't believe I will be posting it at the moment. It's not the tone I want to set for myself right now.
So today I got up around 9, got out of bed around 11, and made my way to my sewing room. And I sewed like a crazy person. I sewed so much that all that's left really is hemming and adjusting things. HUZZAH! Then I worked on some Operation Prom Dress stuff, then some UH300 stuff, then one of my models came for a fitting, then I went to Hancock. Once I got in my car at Hancock some lady appeared next to my window saying, "I'm not going to hurt you." and asking for a ride to CVS. CVS is right down the road...and I'm definitely not letting you in my car. She just kept saying she wasn't going to hurt me, WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO HURT ME WOULD SAY.
So anyway. I got out of there and went to Target. Got a new steamer which had better work or I'm going to blow it up. Got some brownie mix to make some lovely snacks for my little freshmen. I like most of them. Some of them...well, you know. Win some lose some.
So then Corrinne and Erin came over for their fittings. We ate dinner then had a blast trying everything on. I decided what they are wearing for the show so huzzah for that. After that I wanted to sew more but it just wasn't going to happen. Actually, that's not true. I sewed some stuff for UH300. And worked on a top. But then it was time to stop. So Heather came over. We watched Leverage and ate the delicious homemade cheesecake I made, then we spent way too much time on random youtube videos and A Very Potter Musical. yup. Cause I've never seen it. Apparently that is shocking. Oops. I told her she has to come back tomorrow night so we can finish it.
Tomorrow my goal is to hem as much as I can, finish my UH300 presentation stuff, and get some OPD stuff worked out.
Which reminds me!
I am the Tuscaloosa coordinator for Operation Prom Dress, a local nonprofit that provides prom dresses to girls who cannot afford their own. I am looking for donations of dresses, shoes, jewelry, and unused makeup. If you have any to donate, please get in touch with me. I am also looking for groups/businesses to run dress drives throughout the month of February to generate more donations. And lastly we will need a dry cleaner to donate their services to get all of the dresses cleaned. If you are interested in helping, PLEASE let me know!