I thought something that might be beneficial to us all are some reviews of the things I am eating. I'm eating some really random things, but they are SO delicious. Let's start with breakfast. Everyone says breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it definitely is. If you don't have a good, solid breakfast, you are going to snack and be hungry all day. So my freezer is full of yummy breakfast foods. I mostly buy frozen breakfasts, because I definitely don't have time to cook in the mornings.
The first thing I tried were these apple cinnamon breakfast pitas from Target. They are from Ozery Bakery, and they are 150 calories each. The beauty of healthier food options is they have so much more substance to them. I can eat that one pita and be full for hours. I like to toast mine, put a little smart balance on it, and slice up a banana. Yum.
Next, I went to my tried and true breakfast of a bagel thin. Ohhh bagel thins. I don't understand how no one thought of that before. Just make them flat and voila! Less calories, more delicious. I like to toast them, put some butter, then cut up some cheese with my nifty marble cheese slicer (oh you fancy, huh?). But anyway, I love the Thomas everything bagel thins. 110 calories for a bagel is fabulous. You can get them almost anywhere, but I like to buy them at Sam's because they are uber cheap. These also freeze really well.
Now let me tell you about the cheese I found. I love finding things that taste just like normal, but with far fewer calories. I can't say this cheese tastes exactly like regular, but it's close enough to count I suppose. It's Cabot 50% Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese, and at 70 calories for a one inch cube, it has around the same calorie count as say mozzarella, but with less fat. This is something I'm not sure I'll buy again.

Let's move on to something I LOVE. I think waffles are always a favorite. I got these Nature's Path Organic Buckwheat waffles from Manna Grocery, however, they also carry this brand at Target. Abigail is the one that introduced me to this brand, and I am so glad. At 90 calories each, these compete with Eggo's and most other brands when it comes to calorie count, but the difference is you can eat one of these waffles and feel full. I made two the other morning, expecting to want both. After eating my one, along with a banana, I couldn't even attempt to eat another. They are so dense and delicious, and full of berry flavor. I don't really enjoy syrup that much, and these really don't need them, so that was a plus. These are an A+ in my book, and I will buy them again.
Living in the house last year (no, I wasn't in a sorority. I lived at the Retreat. Don't get me started on THAT place) I became fond of muffins. Emily and Bethany would make them regularly, and they are light, fluffy, and warm. Since then, I have become partial to the Fiber One frozen banana chocolate chip muffins. With 180 calories and a whole ton of fiber, they are dense and rich and very filling. 30 seconds in the microwave makes them a gooey mess, but a delicious one. I will definitely continue to buy these. You can find them most places, but I got them at Target.

Now, here is something I don't think you would expect to find on my list. It is the Jimmy D French Toast Griddlers. No, they don't sound healthy. But yes, they are delicious. At 210 calories, they are lower calorie than the Jimmy D-Lites, the Jimmy Dean "diet" line. They are sweet, and strange, but very filling. Jimmy D products tend to be pricey, and this is something that seems so decadent that I won't buy it that often, but I'm definitely glad I did. It proves you can eat "normal" food when trying to lose weight. Again, I got these at Target.
If you'll notice, I did most of my shopping at Target. I realize Wal-Mart is often a lot cheaper, but I think my sanity is worth the $10 or so extra I spend. Oh, let me mention my drinks, and then I'll be done. Trop 50 is my favorite thing to drink in the morning. It has 50% less calories and sugar than normal apple and orange juice, and it tastes SO much better. You can get this most anywhere, but I haven't always found the apple juice. Either way, they are both worth it. At 50 calories a glass, how can you go wrong?
Wow, I have a lot of breakfast options. I think that is a good thing. Variety is a great thing. What do you all think about this? Do you think the reviews are beneficial? I think it should be kind of cool to see. I have a lot of weird food in my apartment right now. It's amazing. If you just get rid of the bad food, there is no temptation whatsoever to eat it. If I get hungry, I grab a clementine, or a handful of nuts, or something good and good for me.
I was going to track my weight loss progress on here, but I don't really want to do that. Maybe at the "end" (who knows what that means) I will have a big reveal of ta-da! This is how much it actually was! But for right now let's work on the looking good, feeling good aspects of it. I can tell you I made some great progress over the break, and I've continued that since coming back. So huzzah for that!
Your efforts to compile this post are very appreciated! I used to calorie count, but it got so very tedious that trying never lasted very long. This was a helpful shortcut for me, and I will definitely look into most of these products in the future. As I'm sure you know, almost no health/diet food guides are useful for a busy college student, so yummy, ready-made items like these are a necessity. Thank you! I wish you very much luck on your goal to becoming a healthier person!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad it helps! I've found that rather than count calories, I just keep good things in the house and mind my portions. That way, I never really get in trouble with the amount of calories!