Waking up this morning was VERY difficult. I took Nyquil last night, so I was OUT. I got up, grumbled a bit, wrote incoherently in my journal, decided laying in bed for 15 more minutes was a good idea, decided 10 after that was an even better idea, then realized if I didn't get up right then I was never getting out of that bed ever again. So I grumbled, showered, and got ready with plenty of time to spare. Oh well. I made my yummy shake with blackberries, raspberries, nonfat raspberry yogurt, and kale. Mmmmm kale. So vitaminy and proteiny. So while I sipped on that I made my yummy veggie sandwich. Hummus, feta, lettuce, spinach, tomato, carrots, sprouts all on Ezekiel bread, which is a pro at handling hummus and tomato juice without getting soggy. Packed up my lunch, checked the weather and headed out the door.
Marketing is a little frustrating because I feel like I'm getting maybe 4 or 5 relevant notes out of each class. I guess we shall see if it improves. I hope so. After that I went to work til 5. Read lots and lots of applications, worked on some other stuff, and headed out at 4:45. Fought the lovely traffic and met Bre at Starbucks. Neither of us wanted coffee (I had had two cups already...too much caffeine is baaaad) so I grabbed a water and we sat and caught up for an hour or so. It was wonderful. I'm SO glad I had someone stalk her at the modeling call and make her model for the senior show. Hehe. From there I met Julia at the nail salon while she was finishing up, then we went to Kobe. Erin met us there and we proceeded to have a yummy dinner and sit there for 2 1/2 hours talking about anything and everything. It was lovely. I still laugh that that horrid weekend in Auburn led to Julia and I reconnecting and becoming OMGBFFLZZZ. Yup. So now I'm home. Hopefully going to sleep at a decent hour, then getting up to sew, meet Stephanie for lunch thennnn Abby is coming!!!! SO excited. Making a super special awesome cake for her. It will be wonderful. And THEN I will spend the weekend reading applications and sewing. Such a glamorous life I lead. ;P
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