I tend to be a terrible over sharer. Especially when I'm tired. I can go on and on about things that you really don't care about, really don't need to know, and really probably don't want to know. I've been blessed to have friends in my life who find this trait endearing, or amusing. Thank God for them. I will go off on tangents, get distracted, jump from story to story, and ultimately forget what I told you. That's the worst part. My poor friends. They have to hear the same stories over and over again, because I never remember who I told.
The fun thing about this, though, is I get to share little details about myself that would never come up in normal conversation. You get to hear about the time I built a fort in my living room and sat in it reading my little Beginner's Bible (I was young...), or how Tux loves baths, or even about how terrible I am at climbing fences. The more tired I am, the more colorful the stories get. My filter goes down and/or goes away when I am sleep deprived, so I will tell you anything. Luckily, I really don't have anything to hide, so it's not like I'm sharing these deep dark secrets. I just might be making people think I'm insane.
Another interesting byproduct of this quirk is that it makes people comfortable with you fairly quickly, and they are more inclined to share their ridiculous stories. If someone doesn't know how to keep a conversation going without getting awkward, don't worry about it! I'll throw in my story about the time my friend almost burned down my house. And that will prompt them to share something about their lives. It creates that comfort level from the get go, and it allows you to get to know people in all new ways.
Everyone has always wondered what I would be like drunk. I imagine I would be everyone's best friends, and we would all laugh about how terribly awkward I was as a child. They say your true self comes out when you drink. I like to think I'm not oppressing my true self, so I have no need to drink to bring it out. I don't really have anything against drinking. I just don't do it myself. I can't stand the idea of not being in control of my own mind and body, and I so don't need those extra calories. I don't mind drunk people; I am a wonderful Designated Driver. If you ever need a desi, call me. I will find you incredibly amusing, and we will bond over your messy night.
Do you see what I did there? I jumped from a story of how I talk too much into talking too much about drinking. What's that about? Ohh well.
Let's discuss school for a second. Does anyone else feel totally overwhelmed already, even though we've only made it through two weeks? I have SEVEN meetings next week. SEVEN. How is that even possible? It might be a lie, it might be five, but regardless. That's a lot. I got too involved. And classes are meh and I'm never home before the sun goes down, and it makes me sad.
But enough about that. Tomorrow I'm going to Greensboro to volunteer, and Sunday I'm doing homework. Huzzah! Tonight we had Operation 80's Chicken. It was fabulous.
How fabulous is this dress? Seriously.
And I'm looking pretty sharp, right? Looove it. Heather and I worked out today. It was nice to go to the gym. I love Wii Fit, but sometimes you just want the elliptical. Ha.
Thanks for trudging through this nonsense post. It means a lot. Maybe next week we can discuss my next fashion ventures. I'm SO excited for them, you have no idea.
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