Saturday, January 22, 2011

“The folks you help won't remember it and the folks you hurt won't ever forget it.”

So let's discuss relationships, shall we? In my opinion, the relationships you develop with other people are what make life worth living. If you had to be secluded by yourself with no one to talk to, no one to share your life with, then what would be the point? It's lonely, it's sad, and it's just not worth it.

I think you can tell a lot about a person from their relationship with their family. If they are disrespectful to their parents, and treat their siblings like garbage, chances are real good that they need a big punch in the face. Your family will always be there, and you need to appreciate them and everything they offer. Siblings are like built in best friends. (P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATHY!!!! I LOVE YOU!!) They are there for you when you need them, and with them around, you should never feel lonely. I won't say sibling relationships are perfect. Often, they are far from it. But it is the experiences you have with them at an early age that shape a large part of who you are. My life has been influenced so much by my brother and sister. I always wanted to be like my sister, and I always looked up to my brother. They were and are my heroes. Heck, my first illustration collection was inspired by them. I used to play with Barbies with my sister, and I was/am enthralled with my brother's punk band. Your inspiration can come from the weirdest places, but without these relationships, that inspiration would have been lost.

I can also tell a lot about a person by how they treat their parents. When it comes to teenagers, they are almost always going to be awful people who don't appreciate their parents most of the time. But other times, they should love and respect the people who raised them. Without my parents, I would not be who I am today. I look up to both of them, and I am incredibly blessed to have them in my life. My mom is my best friend, my mom and dad are my heroes.

I will say that I got lucky. I didn't have a terribly difficult home life. For those of you that did, I can understand strained relationships. But for those whose families bend over backwards for them on a daily basis, there is no excuse for the disrespect you give them.

Considered an extension of your family are your friends. This list changes and grows as you grow up, but as you move through college, you realize the ones that will be in your life forever. These people are there for you no matter what, and are your family when you aren't with yours. You get to experience all new things together, and it makes college one of the most exciting times of your life. There will be ups and downs, but often these just open opportunities for new friends to enter your life. I had a horrible upset last year, but it led to an entire new facet of my life. Now I am grateful to have a wide array of friends. If we were all the same, what would be the point?

And of course, last but not least, we have the significant others category. I have zero luck in this department. It's a bit depressing. What's more depressing is when your brother and sister bring home their significant others at Christmas and you are stuck there to feel terribly awkward and horribly alone. That's not a great time. This has caused some sad nights for me, mostly when I'm feeling particularly alone and pathetic. Everyone keeps saying, oh you'll find him! And I'm just not entirely convinced.

Oh well. Can we please move on from the pity party? I hate pity parties. Let's share a SUPER awkward story. I am terribly tired and in overshare mode, so let's go for it. While home for Christmas, I was at my family's Christmas party along with Chris, Kathy, and their gf and bf respectively. I invited my best friend to come to the party. About halfway through the party I looked at her and went, I hope they don't think we're lesbians. And we both died. Then avoided being too close to each other the rest of the night. Yep. SUPER awkward. Now don't assume that's me being OMG GAY WEIRD. It's not. Some of my best friends are gay. We all know this. We all know that the gay boys and I are BFF. All I'm saying is I already have no luck in this department, so we REALLY don't need any confusion mixed in.

Anywho. Enough about that.

Today, I went to Greensboro with Clay, Heather, and Abby. It was amazing. We cleaned out an old hardware store. There was some awesome stuff in there. Then we hung out with some of the Americorps Vistas, then we went to Pie Lab. Omg pie lab, you were delicious. Of course, this brought up my whole life plan dilemma again, so that wasn't so much fun. Also, I got kind of sick, so that wasn't good. Not from Pie Lab. Pie Lab was awesome. You should go. It was from eating that chicken last night. I haven't eaten anything remotely greasy in at least a month or two, so it destroyed me and made me feel vomity all day. Isn't that lovely?

In closing, my relationship with greasy foods is hence forth on shaky terms, and shall remain that way for the foreseeable future.

Here are some fun Greensboro pictures!

Yay friends!


After! Yaaay!

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