Monday, June 6, 2011

Summer 2011 - Day 1

Can you believe we finally made it to June? I can't. It's been an insane couple of months. We flew to Philly Thursday night, spent the night at George's, then headed up to Nagymama's Friday afternoon. Got the last minute stuff I needed and unpacked Friday and Saturday. Went into the city to see an apartment Sunday morning. Meh. Mom left Sunday night. Her plane got delayed 4 hours and she didn't get home til 3 am this morning. Poor mommy.

Today was the first day of my second summer with Macy's. I was a little apprehensive because I wasn't sure how I would respond to being back in NYC. Luckily, I switched into my city mode immediately. I think my Alabama friends would either be impressed or ashamed. I no longer do a Southern mosey; I hoof it like a crazy person and maneuver my way in and out of the trains and crowds. Like I said, either impressed or ashamed. Either way, I make it work. =P

I woke up at 5:30 (ugh) for a 7:17 train. Not too bad, and I got in around 7:50. Walked over to Herald Square and ran into Prescella on my way. Yay!! We were of course the first two there (thirty minutes early...sorry Dara!) so we got a chance to catch up. The rest of the day was filled with meeting new people, hearing about the company and filling out new hire paperwork.

At around 5, our supervisors came to pick us up and show us our new digs. I found out a few days ago that I was going to be going back to Charter Club to work with Diane. I was SO excited. And Diane was too! When she walked in I got a big hug and lots of smiles. We walked back to 11 Penn and I filled her in on the tornado and life and whatnot. I love her. :) We got back to the office and she led me around the office yelling "SHE'S BACK!" hahaah It was wonderful. I got huge hugs from everyone, and everyone remembered me. It was the best welcome ever. It felt like I was coming home. I got to see the PLR set up, then I talked to the Kristins about housing for July. They are going to help me find something so I can live in the city for a bit. :) After that I caught the 6:11 to the 6:28. Perfect timing for both.

I don't think I told you guys, but I got to the point that I was considering not coming up here this summer. I got really messed up emotionally for a while, and it scared me. Then a few weeks ago I guess life decided enough time had passed and I was suddenly a bit more peppy. Since then, things have been a lot better and I'm beyond glad that I didn't cancel. I want a job at Macy's. I can go back and forth and up and down all day about how I want to stay in Alabama and I want to run my own company, but Macy's is where it's at. I want to leave this summer with that job offer in hand.

Something I'm going to TRY to do this summer (TRY) is post daily (as often as possible) with pictures of my outfits and a briefing of my meals. We all know I'm still trying to lose weight (yada yada I got off track for a few months. Whatevs. I didn't gain anything, and I've actually lost about 10 since school ended. huzzah) so this will help me see what I'm doing right and wrong.

Oh and you know what is fun? Most of these pictures will be TERRIBLE iphone pics I took of myself in the mirror with a big doofy grin on my face. Exhibit A:

For today's fashion choices we have:
Tan/Camel/Whatever sweater shrug thing - Gap Outlet (one of my new favorite stores, btw.)
Black dress with pretty cap sleeves and POCKETS - Calvin Klein
Shoes were Apt 9 platform wedges from Kohls for half the day and Vera Wang glitzy sandals from Kohls for when my feet got tired.

Woo, that picture is awful. Oh well. Look at me cheesin'.


Today I ate.....

Bfast: half a yogurt
Lunch: Caprese sammy, fruit cup, pasta salad, Snapple
Dinner: Healthy Choice butternut squash ravioli

Bfast and lunch were provided (thanks Macy's!) and dinner was surprisingly delicious!

Now, I have a headache, I'm tired, and I'm going to bed early. EARLY EARLY.

Ah, the glamorous life of a poor fashion intern.

The life of a rich one is VERY different.

But we won't be getting into that today.

Night night friends. :)

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