Megan, a girl who was in my art class freshman year, sends me scripture every Monday morning. I don't think I've seen her in person since freshman year, but it always helps start my week off right getting those text messages. She sent me Hebrews 12:11 today, and it seemed like perfect timing.
Szigi's birthday party was good. I love him and Marlene so much, but that's the side of the family we rarely ever see. When I went to Laura's wedding, I honestly had no idea who she was. She is amazingly nice, and she has a beautiful house, but I felt so out of place. Luckily Vicki was there. She is so much fun. We chatted for most of the day. Once the party was over, I rode home with Nagymama, two great uncles and a great aunt, in my great aunt's Cadillac. OHHH the stories I could share. I felt like I was being kidnapped by an elderly Hungarian gang.
Last night, I realized parking permits went on sale at midnight. I had already stayed up way too late accidentally because I had a solid internet connection to actually get things done, so I figured I'd stay up and just get the one I wanted. Midnight came and the server went down. Then I realized midnight my time wasn't midnight Alabama time. I asked Lisa to get mine for me, and tried to go to bed. I ended up not falling asleep, so when 1 am hit, I tried again. Still no luck. Oy. I woke up off and on all night, and probably got a grand total of 3 hours of sleep. Not good.
When I woke up, I logged on and Commuter West wasn't an option. UGH. So I got Southeast. I proceeded to get ready for my day. I went to the shower and all of a sudden it started sputtering like there was something blocking the line. I tried a few more times, and it wouldn't work. Obviously, on three hours of sleep, I was nowhere near rational, so I called my mom to figure out what to do. She reminded me that there was another shower upstairs. (Oops...) So I came upstairs and showered, all the while dropping things, hitting my head on the door, you know, all the little things that add up to a big rotten morning.
I was SO hot this morning, and so cranky, I knew the blow dryer would destroy me. So I put it on low, put some mousse in my hair and went for some waves. Thank you, 88% humidity, for ruining that plan. I ended up with poodle hair. I put on my black and pink paisley dress (not one of my favorites), attempted my makeup (somehow I managed to blush my nose so I looked like Rudolph) and then just said screw it, shoved my book in my purse and headed out the door.
The sun was blazing, my shoulder was hurting, and I was a scary cranky crazy person. Once we got to Penn, we ended up in the bowels of hell for a good 15-20 minutes because the stupid people didn't reverse the escalators. Oyyyy. Once I finally got above ground, I went to Primo Cappuccino (usually a haven for a quick iced coffee) and ordered a large iced coffee strong, aka give me that $1.15 shot of espresso in my coffee. I go to put skim milk and sugar in it and realize neither of those things are available. UGH. So I ask the lady to go get some, she finally does, I put skim milk and sugar in the raw in my coffee and somehow manage to suck up 89434092 of those nasty granules. Blarghhhh. I run over to 11 Penn and suck down the rest of the nasty coffee. I then proceed to eat my protein bar, not realizing it was one of the caffeinated ones.
By this point, I'm hot, frustrated, and I've just realized the Terry Lundgren broadcast is not tomorrow, but today, and I look like a nasty mess. On top of all of this, my heart is now trying to break free of my chest because I have tased it with five thousand grams of caffeine.
I get some projects to do, finish them quickly, then make copies of my schedule so everyone can stop yelling for me when I'm not in the office. I also proceed to send an email to parking to say HOW could I not get west when I was up at 6 am, which is 5 am Alabama time? I guarantee I was one of the earliest ones.
So anyway. I finish things up and start to calm down. I realize with my cardigan on, my dress isn't so bad (my dress isn't bad at all, really. it's just not what I was planning to wear for this particular event) and if I put my hair up in a bun my bangs are actually working pretty well today.
At 1:15, Lauren and I head over to Herald Square for the broadcast. It lasts about an hour. I love Terry. I can't remember who I compared him to last year, but I remember how appropriate it was. He's a mix of Nick Saban and someone else. I need to look back at who I thought last year. He has that captivating good ol' boy charm of Walt Maddox, too. All in all, TL is just an inspiring human being. He's worked hard to get to where he is, and I believe he genuinely cares about every single one of his employees.
So after the broadcast we made our way back to 11 Penn. I finished up some projects, we worked on a big nasty project that has taken us forever, and then I helped fluff the room for meetings tomorrow.
I headed out around 6:15, caught the 6:23, then the 7, and got home at a decent hour. The weather tonight is beautiful.
During the day I got an email that because of technical difficulties, if I put myself on the West waiting list I will be able to trade in my SE pass in August. Huzzah! Really and truly, it doesn't matter, it was just an other thing on the list of things to make this a no good, very bad day.
But I am happy to report my spirits are raised again at this point. I just need to take things as they come and relax a little.
This week, I'm going to Comedy Central Park (I'M SO EXCITED.) and we're going to the parade studio (which is really neat). Then of course there is the 4th of July, which I really need to make plans for.
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