Oh, life. You are always testing me, aren't you?
Wednesday night I eventually got to sleep around 2. Thursday, I got up at 7, packed my car, and was almost late to class. Oy. My whole visual merchandising group showed up, thank goodness, but half the class wasn't there. Not good. Went to work, then CBH, where Annie did a fabulous job on her presentation, then to Econ where I wanted to run awaaaay. After that class, I FINALLY got a hold of the half off depot people, who said my tickets were out for delivery. Even though they were supposed to arrive Wednesday. Ugh. Annie and I went to the farmer's market, I spent WAY too much money (Please check out Homegrown Alabama and Druid City Garden Project) on zucchini, sweet potatoes, hot sauce, honey, and creamed honey (which I had never heard of, but was delicious!), and we talked to the egg lady about getting some eggs next week. She is adorable.
After that, Annie took me to my car, and I ran home to see if the tickets were there. They were not. But I had a LOVELY notice that they had tried to get them to me, but they required a signature. Oh. no. I was MAD. I told the lady to waive the signature requirement, AND they were supposed to be delivered Wednesday! So I took my notice to the Post Office, and when it was finally my turn, the lady said that driver wasn't back, and there was no guarantee I could get it today. No no no, that is unacceptable. I explained to her that I needed it that day, and she would not help me out. She wouldn't call the driver, she just took down my name and said good luck. Ugh. So I told her well, I'm going to wait for the driver. In my car. In the parking lot. This was at 4 pm. They close at 5. At 4:45 I went back in to check if the driver was back. No dice. So I told her look, I need these tonight, I need to be able to get them after you close. So she gave my number to the lady who stays late to sort packages, who said she would call me once it arrived.
So I went back to my car. And I waited.
Of course, I was not pleased. I think those of you who know me know what I mean when I say I'm not pleased. I mean I was calling my mom and Annie yelling about how incompetent these people were, and threatening arson on the building. Obviously, I wasn't serious. But in that moment, ooooooh boy, I wanted to be.
So I continued to wait. And wait. And wait. Around 6 pm (after 2 hours of waiting in the parking lot) I got fed up and drove into the loading dock. I'm not really sure I was allowed to, but I didn't really care. I talked to two of the drivers, who told me to talk to the supervisor, who told me my package was there (!!!!!!) and that she would get it for me. THANK YOU FOR NOT CALLING ME, CRANKY WOMAN IN YOUR ILLFITTING SWEATER. Thank goodness I'm so dang persistent. They brought it out, I signed for it, and I was on my way. Not before they told me the Half Off Depot lady had not actually brought it to a post office, so rather than being next day express, it ended up being two day express, which is NOT what I paid $20 for. Thank you for not doing your job correctly.
I started on my way to Louisville, KY. I'm really sad that it wasn't light out, because it was a really pretty drive. I got really excited going through downtown Nashville, and about jumped out of my chair when I hit Louisville. It's REALLY pretty. Or at least, the area my mom was staying. Of course, it was 2 am when I arrived, and I hadn't stood up in 4 hours, so when I got out I about fell down. Oy. The hotel was SUPER nice. Around 9:30 this morning, housekeeping started banging on my door. I was like WHAT IS THAT?! and I walked towards the door and she knocked lightly and said "Housekeeping." I was like, oh I'm onto your games, housekeeper.. I told her to come back later. I meant to get up at 10:30, but I didn't hear my alarm, so around 11:30 here comes crazy housekeeper again with her banging, so I poked my head out and said "Come back later please!" which seemed to make her calm down. I packed up, checked out, and went to explore Louisville. I didn't make it very far, before I found the sweet mall I saw the night before. I went to Macy's, which was faaabulous because they actually had their higher end brands in it. Let me tell you, Louisville has some money. I bought two sweaters at Old Navy, then met my mom.
The drive to Sevierville was about 3 1/2 hours, which wasn't too bad. The cabin is BEAUTIFUL. I spent an hour in the hot tub, and tomorrow we are going zip lining and apple picking. SO EXCITING.
So there you have it.
To sum it all up:
Half Off Depot is not the most reliable company in the world. (Which, I mean, really, who expects it to be with that kind of name?)
The Postal Service is a terrible awful place full of terrible awful people.
When Theresa gets REALLY upset, arson begins to cross her mind.
Theresa loves driving.
Apparently Theresa likes to speak in third person when summing everything up.
Louisville is pretty.
Sevierville is pretty.
Theresa is going on a zip line and apple picking tomorrow!!!! (Not at the same time.)
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