Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."

I don't sleep much. My apartment is an absolute wreck. I can't focus on anything because there's too much to do.

But that's life.

Tux is still alive. I go to the vet once or twice a week, we give him shots, I give him meds twice a day, and we just pray like crazy that he is going to be okay. He has gained a half a pound in the past week, which is a big deal. Hopefully he will keep going and his blood count will go up.

This weekend, we had the CBH Finalist Visit. That was an adventure. I ran around like a crazy person all weekend and spent 8 hours Monday interviewing people. It was really fun, though. I like helping decide who will join our program.

Saturday I spent 7 hours at my dining room table studying for world lit. Seven hours. literally. I got up for the essentials and that was it. Then I went to Clay's and he made dinner for Abi and me. Yummm. That was a nice way to get away from homework.

Sunday and Monday were CBH. YAAAAA

Yesterday was my World Lit midterm. I'm pretty confident I got a solid A. I studied a lot, and it wasn't too bad. Thank goodness.

Last night we had a Fashion, Inc. meeting. We nominated officers. I got nominated for President. Exciting. :) I would LOVE to do it. I'm planning to focus on Fashion, Inc. next year and none of the other ridiculous things I got involved with this year. Then I went to dinner with Liz, Maryalice, and Stephanie. I'm so glad I found girls in fashion that I can actually relate to. :)

Let's see...the rest of my week will be spent making aprons for Pie Lab. I'm SO excited! We are having a work day this Saturday and the fashion show will be at the end of March.

In other news, the t-shirt drive has been a relative success, and I loooove the Source for partnering with us on this!

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