Hi Blog. It's been a while.
Life has been insane. Tests, fashion shows, projects, presentations, bronchitis.....it's been crazy.
October 26th will be Rock the Runway. I'm planning to have 7 pieces...we'll see how it goes. I'm excited about it, though. Unfortunately the next 4 weeks are the busiest of my life.
I got accepted for another internship at Macy's. I kind of struggled with it, but not really. It scares me to accept another internship there, mostly because I accepted it before this summer had even officially ended. It's amazing, and a really big accomplishment, but still scary to have my summer on lock down already. It also could very possibly turn into a job offer after I graduate, and thinking about the real world scares me. I'm only a junior in college! I don't feel prepared for life at all.
Uhm, let's see.....I don't know, I've just been really super busy. I am definitely over involved, but it's growing on me. It's kind of fun when people know who I am just from seeing me around..
Oh, blog. Life is crazy. But I kind of love it.