So I'm stuck in bed for the next two days because of bronchitis, I almost passed out twice this morning and a few days ago I nearly sliced the top of my middle finger off with a kitchen knife. But you know what? I'm happy.
Obviously, I'm not overly pleased with the ways in which the universe is trying to get me, but everything else going on in my life right now means that I can handle all of this and be okay. I love my job. Every day kicks my butt a little bit, but I'm learning so much. All of the ladies I work with are absolutely amazing and make me excited to go to work every day. I feel valued. I came into this job with zero kitchen experience but Mary immediately made me feel like part of the bakery family. She's teaching me a little bit of everything, from how to make quiche to icing cookies to little things that are important aspects of running a small business. I think the best part is that is just part of who Mary is. She makes everyone she interacts with feel valued. All of our delivery drivers get to be part of the bakery family and are on a first name basis with her. They sit and chat for a bit after they bring our deliveries and Mary always sends them off with full bellies and a few treats for the road. The first time I saw her interact with one of our delivery guys I gained so much respect for her. Since Chris works for UPS, I notice how people treat truck drivers and delivery guys. It means a lot and leaves an impression when one of your businesses makes it a point to show you respect.
I'm working Saturdays now, which is definitely something new for me. I've always worked in an office and my work always fit around my school schedule. Now that I have a big girl job, it's so strange. But I definitely enjoy working Saturdays because we are always busy and I learn so much. I get to help with wedding cake deliveries, work with a ton of customers, and see how much this town appreciates small business. It's also kind of nice having Sunday and Monday off because I feel like I can get a lot done on those days. I'm sure once the weather is consistently nice I'll be a little sad to work Saturdays, but I went into this knowing a lot of food work is going to be on Saturdays.
I threw Lindsay's baby shower. It was so much fun! The theme was yellow and gray and baby elephants. :) I know that I want to work in events eventually so it was a really fun practice run and it was really great to hang out with some good friends. I hope Lindsay enjoyed it because I had a blast. I made lemon and strawberry cakes from scratch with cream cheese buttercream icing piped on in rosettes. LOVED IT! And I made flower bombs for party favors. I think they are so cool.
I've been baking a ton. Lots of pictures of things are on facebook if you want to see. Whoopie Pies, cream puffs, lots of cakes, cookies, biscuits, anything that looks interesting. I made a dreamsicle cheesecake for Kevin's birthday. I'm REALLY proud of that one. It's amazing how much joy I get out of cooking/baking. I know once I'm doing it on a larger scale in a business setting it will be different, but I know that I will still love it.
I'm really loving where I'm at in life right now. I've been struggling these past few months with some pretty serious self esteem issues and they've really been wearing me down. The past few weeks though, I've been praying a lot about it and really asking God to give me the strength and the confidence to be the person He wants me to be. I just want to stop worrying so much about what other people think and be confident in the person that I am. So that's a work in progress, but we're getting there. Slowly.
I do loooove my living situation at the moment, though. I knew the night I met Rebecca that we were meant to be roommates. We have a blast and I'm so blessed to get to live with her. I'm sad we will have to part ways in July, but that is also going to lead to another exciting living adventure with Amber and Corey. We're trying to find a house now, which is such a pain in the butt. I just want a nice, affordable house! But we will figure it out.
I really can't wait for the weather to get nice. My patio furniture has been calling our names and I want to grill and hang out and just enjoy the nice weather!
Oh yeah, my Wilton classes are going really well. It's fun to learn stuff there and then see how it's tweaked/done differently at the bakery. It's a fun way to learn things. And I think it's helping me a lot with my decorating. So yay!
Alright, I'm feeling really icky so time to sign off. Maybe I'll update again before two months have gone by. (Probably not.)