So I'm into the second week of classes, and school is trying to bury me. Last week wasn't too bad. Thursday we did yoga. It was fun. =] A bunch of people came over...Friday? I think? I don't know. I've had 50 billion meetings, and I'm trying to stay organized. It's a lot to handle. I don't stop going going going til I get home, then I do homework, then pass out. I haven't slept through the night once for the past two weeks. I finally did last night, but I was exhausted today. Hopefully the sleep issue will be remedied soon.
Anyway, classes:
CTD448: History of Costume
I'm excited about this class. It's a bit tedious, but it's interesting, and she has a ton of examples to bring to class.
CTD350: Flat Pattern Design
I LOVE Mrs. Robinson. She is my favorite. I'm SO excited to finally learn how to make my own patterns. It's going to be a really fun class. Lots of work, but so worth it.
CTD320: Visual Merchandising
Dr. Koontz is super intense, but she definitely gets you to make super high quality work you didn't think you could do. All of the projects will be group projects though, which makes me nervous.
EC110: Microeconomics
I don't remember taking economics in high school. I mean, I must have, right? Doesn't everyone have to? I remember being in DE Macro for one day, then realizing it would be the most boring class ever and dropping it. But I must have taken it regular? Who knows. Either way, there are 250 people in this class, and I'm not quite understanding things yet. Which makes me nervous. It should NOT be hard, but I just feel dumb. Hopefully that remedies itself.
CBH301: Computer-Based Honors
Oh, CBH. I love you. And by that I mean you make me want to pull my hair out most days, you take up so much of my time, and you stress me out beyond belief. But you also gave me some of my best friends, and are generally all around awesome. Without CBH, I wouldn't be at UA, I wouldn't get to do the projects I get to do, I wouldn't have met Anthony and done his website, everything. I owe so much to CBH. My section seems fun, too, so I'm excited for that.
Work is still good. I love Mrs. Batson so much. I would not survive without her. And I am so grateful to have a job, specifically my job, because it's perfect.
The organizations I'm involved in have begun to take over my life. I am working 3 different tables at Get On Board Day, helping to set up two of them, and trying to juggle them all. Golden Key, Fashion, Inc., and Honors College Assembly. I have meetings every single night, I'm trying to get budgets together, and I found out I have a Leadership UA retreat this weekend. And then there's Academic Honor Council. It's a lot to handle. But I definitely think I'm good with my decision to get this involved. They are all different, and I'm involved in a different way in each. It's pretty cool.
Oh, and at some point, I need to start my line for Rock the Runway. Yeahhhh...
Anyway. That's my life. I'm not complaining, I really enjoy myself. I just guarantee you this will be my busiest year yet.
Oh, here are some pictures, too.